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Smile in Red

The Concept
behind ZRF

Welcome to Zymaal Relief Foundation (ZRF) – Where Charity Finds Its True Leaders.


At Zymaal Relief Foundation, we believe that the true spirit of charity lies in empowering individuals to become the architects of positive change. We deviate from the conventional approach to fundraising by eliminating the need for a dedicated fundraising department. Instead, we invite you to step into the role of a project leader, driving the change you want to see in the world.


Our Unique Concept:


Unlike traditional charities, ZRF operates on a distinctive principle – we don't just raise funds; we empower you to be the driving force behind your charitable endeavors. As a supporter of ZRF, you are not a mere donor; you are a project leader, a catalyst for change.


How It Works:


  1. Be Your Own Project Leader: ZRF encourages individuals, friends, and community groups to take the lead in identifying and addressing the causes they are passionate about. You don't need to rely on an intermediary; you become the project leader.

  2. Raise Funds for Your Cause: Once you've identified a cause close to your heart, take charge and raise the necessary funds. Whether it's supporting education, healthcare, or community development, you have the autonomy to shape the impact you wish to make.

  3. Partner with ZRF: Once your funds are raised, partner with ZRF. We act as the bridge between your vision and its realization. Our experienced team is here to guide you through the process, ensuring that your project is executed efficiently and effectively.

  4. Project Delivery and Reporting: ZRF takes care of the logistics, ensuring that the aid reaches the intended recipients. We provide reports, keeping you informed about the impact your contribution has made.


An Open Platform for Charities:


ZRF is not only a platform for individual project leaders but also an open space for charities seeking to make a difference. Charities can grant us the opportunity to deliver aid on their behalf, ensuring that their resources reach those in need.


Breaking Dependency, Fostering Independence:


We believe in breaking the traditional donor-charity relationship. At ZRF, we want you to be more than just a financial supporter. We want you to be the heart and soul of the project, experiencing the fulfilment that comes with directly shaping positive change.


Join us at Zymaal Relief Foundation, where charity transcends the traditional boundaries, and every individual has the power to be a beacon of hope. Together, let's redefine the landscape of philanthropy, one project at a time.



Registered Charity number: 1204710


7 Grisedale Avenue,


Ol2 6XB

At Zymaal Relief Foundation, we are here to support your projects and initiatives. If you have a project you wish to implement, entrust us with the workload. Simply make a grant to us, and we will handle the rest. Our collaboration with industry specialists ensures seamless execution, while our detailed feedback reports, meticulously curated for both your donors and yourself, guarantee transparency and accountability.


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© 2024 Zymaal Relief Foundation

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